I grew up in small town Alabama with two hard working parents, who owned their own business my entire life. I believe that you cannot buy the entrepreneurial spirit, it is in your roots. I received my master’s degree from Auburn University (WAR EAGLE!) and prior to joining the Winsupply family, served as a Logistics Officer in the United States Army.
I was introduced to the Win Family as the first female Manager in Training. I do not have a background in wholesale, plumbing, or electrical contracting prior to Winsupply. I do however, have strong background in honest, hard work, as blazing new trails. So spinning off a Winsupply was a no brainer for me. Operating a business is just another form of leadership in my opinion. Something that the Army did well was teaching me exactly that leadership means “wearer of many hats”, in this case: entrepreneur, salesman, warehouseman, counter employee, receiving clerk, driver, and sometimes assistant to my team.